Sunday, April 22, 2012

what are your frustrations?

Waking up this morning to find that I had somehow in 1 single day gained just over 3 pounds was rather frustrating to me.

Now, I can be a rather sensible person and also rather logical. I know that there are many factors playing a part in this weight gain. 1. I am, even now at 3:20pm almost 24 hours after my 5k I am still dehydrated. I feel aweful. I can't seem to get enough water into me. Since I've been up for about 8 hours I've had over 100 ounces of water. I am still so very thirsty. I am trying to stay cool with A/C and what not, it isn't very easy. It seems that all I am doing today is drinking water. 2. I am still on my period (sorry TMI for all you men, if any, that might be reading this) :] I know that it is natural to gain a few and be bloated for a few days and that shows on the scale. 3. Going to a friends how and having homemade chinese food and not actually keeping track of every thing I was eating. Its ok to splurge here and there and I haven't been able to do that on something I really wanted to in a long time. There is that part of our brains that see a negative changes and get discouraged and want to quit. That is not the case for me. I am still determined, more then ever to get to the gym. I did promise to take 2 days and rest. I am super sore from the 5k and walking outside that my knees need to rest. I have spent the last 2 weeks at the gym with no breaks and now is a good time to do that.

In other news, the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism was yesterday and it was so AWESOME. It was a great route and I wish I lived closer so that I could walk it more often. SO many people out for the cause, even a few celebrities. Even though max wasn't having any of it we all still had a good time and I got the beginnings of my summer skin. I can't wait for next year.

It was very weird waking up and not going to the gym right away. It has started to become a habit. I love my time there where I can walk and not think about anything. It is my only glimpse into seeing what its like to be a man and not think about anything for any period of time. I have a blister on my toe that needs to heal and these few days will do just that.

Its a happy sunday here, hope everyone is having a great one as well.

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